I've never had a crush on a girl but I've had crushes on men ever since kindergarten. My mind sometimes wanders and I fantasize about women and sometimes I find them attractive but I don't think I could ever go out with one/make out/hit on one and definitely couldn't spend the rest of my life with one. I WANT to have a boyfriend (never had one) and I want a husband and children when I'm older. dildos When we were together we broke up pretty easily once I went back to university, for reasons both his fault and mine. I made the resolution that from then on we'd just be friends until a time came around when I thought it would work.Then this summer came. I started off being adamant that we'd be friends, but cuddly ones at wholesale vibrators that. dildos dildos Another of the proven ways to get your cheap vibrators ex boyfriend to love you all over again is to create some distance. You not going to win him back by begging or pleading with him. You have to s...